Salesperson 101: Closing a Deal Is Like Throwing Someone Off a Cliff

Yes, comparing closing a deal to throwing someone off a cliff is a bit of a dark analogy but believe me, carrying out a plan to throw someone off a cliff is a lot like closing a deal. There’s an easy way, and a hard way.

The toughest thing for a salesperson to do may just be 'not being a salesperson.' I would say the most common mistake a salesperson makes, in person or on the phone, is sending the clear message that they are more interested in selling a product, any product, than they are in providing information, answering questions, and helping the customer on their journey.

It’s a tough balance. If you’re one of those sales types that loves to meet and talk to people, one of those who needs to answer every question when it’s asked, a salesperson who views their role as primarily one of service over one of sales, then likely you’re not going to sell a ton of anything, never mind cars. I’ve seen hundreds of new salespeople that get into the job, really nice people who just love to help others, are incredibly eager to please customers, but just can’t close a deal. Too nice, if that seems possible. In a way, it’s a disservice to a customer, because more often than not, customers need help making decisions, and a good salesperson is going to help them do that.

Customers need help making decisions, and a good salesperson is going to help them do that.

The same applies to salespeople on the other side of the spectrum. Aggressive. Pushy. Only care about the sale and they can’t hide it. These types either just scare the crap out of customers so they don’t buy, or maybe they are strong enough to close some deals but the customer complaints and heat that is generated just isn’t worth it. Pushy salespeople are a dying breed, that is for sure. Customers just won’t tolerate it anymore, and even if you hammer some deals together, social media will kill you, that’s for sure.

The real trick is finding that balance. That perfect balance between a likable, friendly, caring salesperson and the one that is driven to close deals and make money. Lots of sales. Lots of gross. The right way, with happy clients. That salesperson who focuses on customer needs and wants, and in doing so finds the right vehicle for the client and then with a little push, helps them make a decision. And that’s the sweet spot of successful sales. Finding that perfect balance of moving a sale forward and closing, while not making the client aware, or sending the signal that it’s all about closing a deal, particularly early in the sale. Even though, to be honest, it is. It’s all about selling and it’s all about closing.

Find that perfect balance of moving a sale forward, without sending the signal to the client that it’s all about closing a deal.

It is a lot like throwing someone off a cliff. Yes, let’s dispense with the horrible analogy, nobody is actually throwing anyone off a cliff, but stay with me. Imagine for a moment, that your job, as horrible as it is, is to throw someone off a cliff. The cliff is forty feet away. You’re a big strong person. Throwing that person off a cliff should be no problem. I want you to imagine two scenarios. In the first scenario, you tell the person at the start, from forty feet away, “I’m going to throw you off that cliff.” How do you think that will go? I’ll tell you how it will go. That person, big or small, will put up such a fight, kicking and screaming every inch of the way. Maybe, just maybe, you will be successful and down they go, but believe me it won’t be easy. Now imagine scenario number two. You gently put your arms around the shoulders of that person and start to paint the image of a beautiful sight that they will see from the edge of the cliff. Gradually you walk together towards the edge while you continue to make friends and discuss the amazing view from the cliff. Then you arrive at the edge. The person just gazes in wonder at the sight. At that moment, a gentle nudge and away they go. No kicking and screaming. No fight. Just one gentle push at the perfect time and presto. Deal closed.

The message here is simple. Stay focused on the ultimate goal of closing a deal but avoid at all costs sending clear messages that you are trying to sell them something. Sending the message early in the sale, that all you care about is a deal, will immediately put that customer on the defensive and make your close much more difficult. Avoid making obvious statements about “buying today” and the like. Focus on the vision. The relationship. The right questions and product selection. On making the client fall in love with the product. On moving the deal slowly and steadily  forward; selection, demonstration, test drive, and even a conversation about numbers until at the right moment when a gentle nudge closes the deal. You may be a hammer and that’s great. But the best salespeople understand that closing is more about timing than it is about pushing. Good luck and good selling.

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